Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I am Queen's Boulevard

It's been a while! I haven't viewed/logged in to this blog for a long time. I've been caught up with matches, studies and life that I haven't got the time.

I'll just cut it to you guys, short.

eX!'s match highlights ; eX! vs Nemesis - 9-16 (Dust2) 16-11 (Inferno)
eX! vs N1b - 16-12 (Dust2) 16-2 (Inferno) 16-9 (-not sure / Nuke)
eX! vs Kamigawa - I forgot the scores, but we won 3 maps.
eX! vs DFG2 - Won all 3 maps.

I've watching Entourage lately, and I'm currently downloading the 4th season now. Must watch. For the guys I mean :)

As some of you may know, I've been as lonely as ever. No one wants to talk with me. Most just runaway. Which is pretty funny :p hah.

I'll update more as soon as I can. Laters!

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